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Birth - 4 Years Old


Laurel Nesbitt, Director
Our Nursery & Preschool are designed for children from birth through 4 years old.
Our "Little b’s" pre-school program will help your child develop and grow in a safe environment where they are affectionately cared for and taught God’s Word on age-appropriate levels.
Our youngest children are nurtured and loved each week by a group of committed, care-giving volunteers. It is our desire that these little ones experience a safe and loving atmosphere.
The Biblical concepts that are taught are about God, love, family, friends and church. These concepts are developed further when the children move up to Children's Ministry.
Security & Safety
The safety and well-being of your children is our number one priority.
Our Preschool and Children’s areas are locked down during the services and are continually monitored by church personnel. Additionally, our staff and teachers undergo background checks and training.
Our church nursery is available for babies and toddlers.
It's open during both Sunday services, and during Sunday School.
It's also open on Wednesday nights during Life Groups, with extended hours for choir members.
Plus our nursery is also open during special events.
Our Nursery Policies
Separation can be difficult for both parent and child, so it's our goal to meet your child's needs as you would.
To help our nursery program run smoothly we ask that you sign your child in and out and provide any feeding instructions or other instructions for your child’s care.
We want to provide a healthy environment, so we ask that you keep your child at home when you observe any of the following: diarrhea, green or yellow runny nose, discharge in or around the eyes, fever or vomiting within the past 24 hours. If your child is taking an antibiotic, he or she should have received treatment for at least 24 hours before coming to the church nursery.
Sunday School
Sunday: 9:30 am
Our caring teachers and helpers seek to engage children in exciting Bible study activities. Sunday school classes are divided into the following age groups.
Nursery (Birth - 1 yr)
Toddlers (1 - 2 yrs)
Preschool (3 -4 yrs)
Toddler & Little Church
During both morning worship services.
These programs are extended teaching times from Sunday School through both Worship Services. Volunteers serve on a rotation schedule to lead these classes.
Little Friends
Wednesday Evenings, 6 pm
On Wednesday evenings our children, ages 2 through Pre-K, are involved in Christ-centered activities where they learn the importance of spreading God's Word through stories, crafts, games, and other projects.
Where Every Life Matters!
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